Episode 9

Published on:

28th Apr 2024

009 How A-Player Gut Health Transforms Burnout with Rae Mason

In this episode, we discuss the intricacies of gut health with the inspiring Rae Mason, a holistic health and movement coach specializing in gut health. We talk about the rarely-discussed secrets that empower you to lead a healthier, more balanced life. Rae highlighted the importance of addressing core beliefs to truly heal and improve one's lifestyle, stressing that changing behaviors without addressing underlying beliefs only leads to friction and unease.

During our discussion, Rae pointed out the common issue many face: neglecting self-care while trying to care for others, which often leads to burnout. She used the analogy of the oxygen mask on airplanes to illustrate the importance of "securing your own mask first" before helping others. This concept resonated deeply as it underscored the necessity of self-care for effective support to others.

Rae also explained the physiological impacts of stress on the gut-brain connection, detailing how chronic stress can lead to significant health issues like inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and hormonal imbalances. To wrap up, Rae offered practical advice for listeners on initiating their journey towards better health. She advocated for starting with small, manageable changes, particularly in diet, by incorporating more whole foods and reducing processed foods.

This conversation not only shed light on the critical role of gut health but also equipped listeners with strategies to improve their overall well-being by aligning their mind, body, and spirit.

Key Takeaways

(00:05:43) - Exploring Core Beliefs and Self-Care

(00:11:21) - Connection Between Beliefs and Gut Health

(00:14:03) - Effects of Stress on Gut Health

(00:20:03) - Introduction to Healing Your Gut Holistically

(00:28:20) - The Role of Environment and Lifestyle in Gut Health

(00:30:09) - Rae Mason's Approach to Helping Clients

(00:32:08) - Final Thoughts and Advice on Self-Care and Perfectionism

(00:34:20) - Conclusion and Special Offer Announcement

Memorable Quotes

"A lot of times, we try to change behavior without changing a belief, which causes friction and unease because our beliefs dictate our behavior. To effectively change how we act, we first need to change our belief system."
"You have to put on your oxygen mask first. By saving yourself, you can help save others. I fill my cup up, and people get the overflow, not what's in my cup. It's a mindset shift and a perspective shift that we need to make."
"Your brain and your gut are directly connected. If you're constantly stressed, it affects your gut, leading to inflammation, constipation, and other health issues. Managing stress and taking care of your gut health can significantly improve your overall well-being."

Connect With Rae

Instagram - instagram.com/the_healthy_move/

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/raecmason

Website - https://thehealthymove.kartra.com/page/home

Connect with Suzette

Website: https://www.wildheartsrising.com/

Suzette on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzettewest

Suzette on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.rising.wild.heart


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Rae Mason [0:00 - 0:19]: A lot of times we try to change the behavior without changing a belief. If you try to change the behavior without changing a belief, it's going to cause a lot of friction. It's going to be very uneasy because our beliefs dictate our behavior. So first we have to change the belief system, and that will naturally begin to change our behavior. How we show up for ourselves and other people.

Suzette West [0:24 - 2:46]: Welcome to the a Player adventure, the essential podcast for founders, owners, and CEO's ready to master the art of coherent leadership and navigate the challenging yet rewarding expedition towards organizational resilience and alignment. Each episode provides practical strategies, tools and insights to strengthen your leadership abilities, enhance your team's alignment, and cultivate a workplace culture rooted in resilience and connectivity. With your host, Suzette west. Hello Suzette here. Before we get into this week's episode, a few words on what's going on in my world. Welcome back a players to episode nine of the A player adventure podcast. I'm your host and guide, Suzette west. And today I am thrilled to have Ray Mason, a holistic health and movement coach specializing in gut health. So join us to explore the intricacies of our body's most underrated hero, the gut. Together, we're going to navigate through essential insights and strategies for achieving optimal health, focusing on the following key points, the gut brain connection, mindset blocks and strategies for healing. So stay tuned. Join me and Ray as we unravel the secrets to a healthier life through the lens of gut health. Hey, everyone. So welcome. You are guest number one. Welcome to the. Yeah, welcome, welcome.

Rae Mason [2:46 - 4:48]: Yes. First of all, thank you for having me because I'm super excited as well to be here and to share my story and to share ways on how to optimize your health through gut health. So for me, like many other people, my story started with my own challenges. So back when I was 17, I was in a really toxic relationship. It was an abusive relationship. I was in this relationship for nine years. And within that nine years, it was physically, mentally, spiritually, financially abusive. And throughout that relationship, I gained a host of health issues. So I had a lot of digestion problems, depression, anxiety, eczema, severe allergies, all these things that for some people, you wouldn't see the connection. But I believe, and I know everything is interconnected. So once I was able to get myself out of that relationship, I literally had to build myself from the ground. And once I started doing that, I was like, oh my gosh, so many people need to know that there's another side. You don't have to feel as though this is it for you. This is the end when it comes to your health, when it comes to your life in general. So once I started to rebuild my whole entire life, I just knew I had to share it. So that's how the healthy move got created, which is the name of my business. And once that was created and I became an entrepreneur, I started to see, okay, there, I came up more. I came up against other challenges, such as wanting to serve everyone else and to help everyone else, and then seeing how I wasn't serving myself, how I needed to be. Like, I wasn't doing what I knew I needed to do for myself because I was too focused on filling everyone else's cup up when mine was running low. So that's just a quick snippet of my story. And, yeah, I have to tell you.

Suzette West [4:48 - 5:43]: I talk to a lot of people on LinkedIn, and like I was mentioning to you earlier, this is a number one concern that I'm hearing across the board is just people are trying to be there for others and not refilling their own cup, and they're feeling really guilty about not being the kind of parent or spouse or friend or they want to give what they've. They want to give their loved ones what they feel they deserve, and yet they don't have time for themselves. And so it's heartbreaking because I can relate to that if I'm constantly pouring out and giving to others. You can't pour from an empty cup. Right. And this is a common struggle. Do you want to speak to, to our audience? That is because this is a common. This is a common challenge.

Rae Mason [5:43 - 9:33]: So the first thing is we have to explore our core beliefs around ourselves. We have to get to the bottom of why we feel as though pouring into everyone else first makes you a better friend, makes you a better mother. Because when you actually sit down, because a lot of us know, like, if I was to give to myself first, I can actually be a better friend, be a better mother, a better father, a better employee. So there are some beliefs there that we have to get to the bottom of when it comes to how we show up for other people and ourselves. Sometimes we have beliefs such as, if I don't do x, y and z, when this person asked me to, and this could just be an assumption that we make in our own minds, if I don't do x, y and z with this person asked me to, then they're going to leave me. A lot of times, it comes down to trauma. It can get deep. You're doing all these things because you may have some abandonment issues. You may have different types of trauma that are attached to you. Feeling though you have to be extremely people pleasing, even to your children, but it can be attached to some type of trauma. So the first thing is we have to get down to your core beliefs when it surrounds your self worth. How do you view yourself? Because reality is you are a better mother, father, sister employee. When you pour into yourself first, it's the same thing when you're on the plane and they're giving you instructions. If something was to happen, I need you to put on your oxygen mask first. Why? Because when you save yourself, you can help save someone that is probably not as. You can help save your child, someone that is not as. What's the word I'm looking for? Maybe not as helpful or can do what you can do in a certain capacity. So. But the thing is, you have to put your oxygen mask on first. Otherwise, like, what's gonna happen? I have many friends, even myself. I've gone through this, and I always have to put it in the forefront of my mind. Once I pour into myself, everyone's gonna get the best of me. And I don't give someone for my cup. I give them the overflow. I fill my cup up, and there's an overflow flow. People get the overflow. They don't get what's in my cup. And I think it's a mindset shift. It's a. A perspective shift that we have to really start making. But again, we have to uncover the core belief of why we feel like we have to exhaust ourselves in order to feel like we're a good person, friend, brother, mother, sister, whatever it is. And then once you uncover those core beliefs, now we have to restart reprogramming ourselves, and it takes time because we're so automatically used to doing things a certain way. So you have to be very mindful now when you start to incorporate a new habit of taking care of yourself first, which sounds crazy, because that's a good thing. Like, it sounds crazy that we actually have to be intentional about taking care of yourself first. So it's. I have a friend right now, and I told him, I said, okay, you have so many people. And another thing, too, is, like, when you have so many people dependent upon you in a way where if something was to, God forbid, happen to you and they don't know how to function, you're enabling them. You're not actually helping them. You enable people when you have them depend on you to the point of if something was to happen to you, everything goes down. So you want to put your people in a position. You want to have systems in life and put things. And put people in position where if, God forbid, something was to happen to you, the whole thing doesn't come crashing down because everything was on your back.

Suzette West [9:33 - 9:33]: Right.

Rae Mason [9:33 - 9:40]: So you have to start seeing things differently, positioning your children better, positioning your friends better, everyone better.


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Rae Mason [:

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Rae Mason [:

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Rae Mason [:

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Rae Mason [:

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Rae Mason [:

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Rae Mason [:

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Show artwork for The A-Player Adventure

About the Podcast

The A-Player Adventure
Embark on a transformative journey with The A-Player Adventure, the essential podcast for Founders, Owners, and CEOs ready to master the art of coherent leadership and navigate the challenging yet rewarding expedition towards organizational resilience and alignment.

Hosted by Suzette West, a certified HeartMath mentor and executive coach, this podcast is your compass to navigate the complex terrains of leadership, much like preparing for a demanding ascent up Mount Everest. Suzette brings a wealth of knowledge, empathy, and insight, drawing from her unique life experiences and expertise in fostering heart-coherent leadership.

Through powerful storytelling and expert interviews, The A-Player Adventure guides you up the steep slopes of leadership development, helping you to build the stamina, focus, and resilience needed to lead with coherence and authenticity. You’ll hear from seasoned leaders who have successfully made the climb, sharing their stories of triumph, resilience, and the transformative power of leading from the heart.

Each episode provides practical strategies, tools, and insights to strengthen your leadership abilities, enhance your team’s alignment, and cultivate a workplace culture rooted in resilience and connectivity. Suzette’s approach goes beyond conventional leadership models, advocating for a shift towards heart-coherent practices that foster deep connection, clear communication, and a shared sense of purpose within your organization.

Don’t embark on this leadership expedition alone. Subscribe and follow to The A-Player Adventure wherever you listen to podcasts, and visit aplayer.show to stay updated on the latest episodes and resources. Transform your leadership, scale new heights, and lead your organization with heart and coherence, ensuring every member of your team is equipped and ready for the journey ahead.

About your hosts

Jake Cuamag

Profile picture for Jake Cuamag

Suzette West

Profile picture for Suzette West

Harry Duran

Profile picture for Harry Duran
It's a long story... https://harryduran.com